Barry Baczuk (Junior) Manager (306) 730-0129
Clint Peterson (Kelvington) Salesman (306) 327-8325
Carter Cyhla Junior Salesman (306) 621-5421
Virginia Vargo Office Manager (306) 783-9437
Brian Rathgeber Foreman / Salesman (306) 621-4684

For the week ending October 16, 2024
Slaughter Cattle Range Avg HD 217
D1 Cows 175-187 180 All cows
D2 Cows 165-174 170 averaged
D3 Cows 135-160 155 167
Thin Shelly Cows 110-125 121  
Young Cows/ Heiferettes 165-236 210  
Mature Bulls N/A N/A  
Bred Cows & Heifers Range Avg HD
Bred Cow/Heifers N/A N/A  
Cow Calf Pairs N/A N/A  
Feeder Cattle Range Avg HD 3,256
900-1000 242-326 308 30
800-900 230-382 346 79
700-800 245-391 372 228
600-700 252-435 392 543
500-600 278-460 426 679
400-500 287-548 470 395
300-400 297-590 515 138
900-1000 255-303 301 112
800-900 240-329 314 162
700-800 240-346 324 96
600-700 253-373 350 127
500-600 261-409 371 297
400-500 273-444 396 265
300-400 300-485 434 105
Sheep, Lamb & Goats    
60-80 lb Lambs    
80+ Lambs    
Cull Sheep    
Billy Goats    
Nanny Goats    
Goat Kids    
Billy Goats    

Cattle are received the Tuesday before the sale 8am-8pm
  Click above for printable version 
Presorted Cattle must be booked in advance and in the yards by 4:00pm on Monday and Tuesday prior to the sale. Please put your mileage on the manifest.
Butcher Cattle are sold after the Presort Cattle on Wednesdays and will be received Tuesdays from 8am-8pm.
Bred Cow Sales - please book your cattle in advance. Cows must be in the yards by 12:00pm the Thursday prior to the sale for preg checking. Please mark on the manifest when the bull was turned out and the breed of the bull.
Horses are received Thursdays from 8am-5pm and are received up until 3:00pm before the sale starts on Friday.
Sheep are received Thursdays from 12pm-8pm and until 10am before the sale starts on Friday.
All Cattle must have CCIA tags in or we cannot sell them. If your cattle arrive at the market without tags, we will tag them for you. The fees for tagging are $15 for yearlings and calves, $25 for cows and $35 for bulls. We will not use owner supplied tags.
All Sheep must have RFID tags in or they cannot be sold. If you need to purchase tags, please contact the Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board at 1 (306) 933-5200 or www.sksheep.com.